How To Use A Moby | Baby Wearing And It’s Benefits

With a little practice, baby wearing in a Moby or similar baby wrap can provide many benefits and help you bond with your baby in a comfortable, hands free way.

how to use a moby wrap for baby wearing and the benefits of wearing your baby

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Years of Anticipation

Ever since I was about eighteen years old, I’ve been looking forward to the day I had a baby so I could finally try out baby wearing with a Moby wrap. I had seen a new mom carrying her little baby around in a wrap at the zoo and I thought it just looked like the coolest thing! She raved about how comfortable it was to wear and how happy the baby stayed in it. Ever since that day, I’ve looked forward to trying baby wearing with my own sweet little one.

Unfortunately, I ended up having an emergency c section with a long and difficult recovery. The pain and soreness from the incision made it impossible for me to try babywearing in a wrap for a few months after Mary Emma was born. Then, I had such a difficult time trying to figure out how to get the wrap on and the baby in it that I missed a lot of opportunities to use it. I don’t know why I didn’t think to look for tutorials on YouTube of how to put a Moby on. My sleep deprived new mommy brain, I’m sure.

Finally, my sister-in-law, who also raved about how much she loved baby wearing in a wrap with her four kids, came over and showed me how to get the Moby on and the baby in without everything falling apart.

Step By Step Babywearing In A Wrap Tutorial:

Worth Sticking With

I know the wrap can seem very overwhelming at first. It seems like it takes forever to get it on and the baby in it. For me at the beginning, by the time I got the wrap on, the baby was fussing and then to actually try getting her in it was out of the question.

But once I finally learned how to put the wrap on and get her in it, it was so nice! After I healed up, I could pop her in the wrap to go for a walk or go grocery shopping. It’s not uncommon for babies to feel so comfortable and snuggled that they go right to sleep, which is a huge perk!

how to carry an older baby in a moby wrap for baby wearing

Emotional Benefits of Baby Wearing

Baby wearing is great for getting all of those feel good hormones from being close to and touching your newborn. During a time when postpartum depression can be crippling, these feel goods can be invaluable!
Also, touch is so, so very important for babies and children! {and adults too} It’s critical for their emotional development and even has an impact on their DNA! This article by the Miami Herald breaks down a few scientific studies on how an infant can have lifelong, lasting effects from touch or the lack of touch.
 You can read more about the importance of touch and it’s effects on infants here and here.    This study shows the positive impact on babies born prematurely who are touched and held, who had a higher weight gain per day and were discharged an average of six days earlier as opposed to preemies left in incubators only!
There are many different styles of baby carriers and they all have these awesome “side effects”! If a wrap doesn’t sound just right for you check out some of these other styles: a ring slingstructured carrier, or a combo wrap/structured. The best baby carrier is the one that works the best for you and your baby!

babywearing in a wrap style carrier - how to and the benefits of touching your baby

Comfortable Carrying

For me, a big difference between a conventional baby carrier and a wrap is the comfort level. The wrap is sooooo much more comfortable to wear and feels very natural. Because it’s made of a wide, long strip of fabric, the Moby wrap more evenly distributes the weight across your shoulders and back, which helps cut down on tension and backaches. If the conventional carriers are as uncomfortable for a baby as they are for the person carrying them, I’m not surprised that Mary Emma fussed when I tried to use one!

Baby wearing in a wrap keeps the baby warm and cozy. It also gives them a very safe and secure feeling of being close to mom. If you think about it, for a newborn it’s got to feel very much like being all tight and curled up in the womb, which is all they’ve ever known.

mom and baby wearing in a moby wrap

How Long Can You Wear Baby In A Wrap?

Moby recommends an infant weight range of eight to thirty-three pounds for using their wraps for baby wearing. Thats a big range of anywhere from newborn to a couple of years old. Personally, I can’t imagine carrying a two or three year old in a wrap, but it sounds like it would be very possible if they fit within the weight range.

I could see a wrap being very handy for situations with an older baby where you may not be allowed to take a stroller or it would be very inconvenient to do so. Mary Emma is eleven months old and about twenty pounds and I can still comfortably carry her in the wrap. She’s quite comfy too!

cute baby girl in a blue moby baby wearing wrap

Are Moby Wraps Safe For Newborns?

Like I mentioned earlier, the manufacturer recommended minimum infant weight is eight pounds before using the Moby wrap for baby wearing. The only reason for a minimum weight is because of safety issues. You want to ALWAYS be sure that baby’s airways are visible and clear from any obstructions. It’s also important to keep their chin from sinking down into their chest because this can cause difficulties breathing as well. A general rule is that their face should be visible and their head close enough to kiss.

how to use a moby wrap for baby wearing and the benefits of babywearing

My “Unscientific” Benefits Of Baby Wearing:

  1. You can stay in close contact and bond with your baby while being able to get things done
  2. Soothe and comfort a fussy baby
  3. More easily care for other children while still caring for a new baby
  4. Physical contact is so beneficial to babies and children. It even effects their DNA!{read about it here}
  5. It’s a super comfortable way to carry your baby while out and about.
  6. Help a baby who’s having a hard time napping to relax and fall asleep

snuggling baby and mama wearing a moby baby wrap


I Hope You Enjoy Baby Wearing As Much As We Do!

If you have any questions or tips that you’d like to share please comment below!


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Shop For Babywearing Wraps:

Charcoal Moby Evolution Wrap

“Best Selling” Boba Wrap

Luxury Ring Sling Style Carrier

Soft Structured Carrier Looks like a really good in between wrap/structured.

Baby Doll Carrier– So cute if you have an older daughter who wants to be just like mommy!

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Want to remember this? Click on either of the pictures below to save to your favorite Pinterest board!

Easy baby wrap tutorial video to learn how to use a moby wrap for a newborn or even an older baby. Step by step instructions on how to baby wear in a wrap carrier. #babywearinginawrap #howtotieamobywrap


Benefits Of Baby Wearing And How To Do It The Easy Way | This Lovely Little Farmhouse #babywearing #mobywrap

The Easy Way To Babywear In A Wrap | This Lovely Little Farmhouse #babywearing #mobywrap

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