How To Test Your Berkey Filters | BERKEY FILTER RED DYE TEST

One of the things I love most about the Berkey is that you can test the filters to ensure they’re still working properly. Find out how easy it is in this step by step post and video!

How to do the Berkey red dye test to ensure your Berkey filters are working correctly.

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Why Do A Red Dye Test?

The black Berkey purification elements are so strong that they can actually filter out artificial red food coloring from water! If you think your filters could have been damaged in any way from transporting or dropping them you can quickly and easily test to make sure they’re still structurally sound and filtering efficiently.

Also, If you’ve had your filters a while and not sure if they need to be changed out or not, it’s really easy to find out! Berkey actually recommends that you run the red dye test on your newly installed black filter elements before first use to ensure everything is working as it should. It’s a really neat and fun science experiment for the kids too!

And if you’re still in research mode and learning all you can about Berkey water filters, be sure and check out my Berkey water filter review/pros & cons.

**Important: NEVER perform the red dye test with your Fluoride filters still attached. You can only do the dye test on the black filter elements.***

So let’s get right to it!

Black Berkey filters remove red food coloring when doing the red dye test.

What You’ll Need For The Test:

  • the same number of clear jars/glasses as black filter elements you have installed. I have 2 filters so I used 2 quart jars. *This method is much better than using one large container because you can evaluate each filter individually for efficacy.*
  • artificial red food coloring and a 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon. It’s very important that you use artificial food coloring and not natural.
  • a pitcher or jar to mix the water and dye

What contaminants does a Berkey water filter remove?

Black Berkey filter elements pass the red food coloring test.

Steps To Performing The Berkey Red Dye Test

  1. Start by dumping all of the water out of your Berkey if it has any. You want it to be empty when you pour in your red water.
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of red food coloring per gallon of water. I mixed up a 1/2 gallon so I used 1/2 teaspoon of dye.
  4. Place your top chamber over the appropriate number of jars ensuring that each filter stem is in a jar. Make sure the chamber is steady on the jars and support it if necessary to keep it from falling.
  5. Pour your red water into the top chamber and watch to see if it comes out clear or colored!
  6. If red coloring passes through any of your filters, first ensure that they’re installed correctly and not allowing water to seep through where the filter is attached with the washer and bolt.
  7. Change any filters that didn’t pass the test and resume drinking your clean, healthy water!

Quick Links To Berkey:

Black Berkey Filters

Fluoride Filters

Big Berkey

Shower Head Filter

Royal Berkey

Imperial Berkey

Travel Berkey

Berkey Filter Specifications/what they remove

Stainless Steel Stand

Please Pin To Your Favorite Clean Living Board:

One of the best things about the Berkey water filter is the ability to do the red dye test to make sure your black filter elements are still filtering properly. No wondering if it’s removing all of the bad stuff, you can see it with your own eyes! Learn how to do the Berkey red dye test in this step by step post and video. #cleandrinkingwater #berkeywaterfilter #berkeyreddyetest #bestwaterfilter

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